Reality is the original Rorschach. Verily! So much for all that.


he/she ♂


1/10 - fictive

�~~WHERE AM I!?~~�

*oh, how did you get here..?

*anyhow - this is my digital bedroom of indefinite space. it's where i attempt to collage things that don't fit in elsewhere. this includes the main button/blinkie/whatever collection, various photos, a lot of PKMN, et cetera.

�~~WHO ARE YOU!?~~�

*well, it says so off to the left. my name is maxie fox.

*i've been programming and making music since i was 7 years old, creating visual art since.. fuck if i know! male with divine feminine energy by the will of the gods, transgender out of spite. piping in and out of the psyche and manifesting everywhere. disgraced leader of the group that shan't be named.

<a href=""><img src="assets/team/magma.gif"></a>


name: tsui

adopt one yourself! @

PKMN orphanage

name: etna

adopt one yourself! @

PKMN orphanage